Guide to applications, permits and ordinances

149 N. Walnut Street, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 768
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
Frequently Asked Questions
- Code Enforcement
- What does Code Enforcement do?
The Division of Code Enforcement issues building, electrical, and heating-cooling permits for all new construction and for remodeling with structural changes. Field inspections are made to ensure that the work is done within the minimum guidlines set forth by all applicable code. The Division is also responsible for reviewing the plans submitted by contractors, architects or owners for all structures for design compliance with requirements of the Kentucky Building Code. For more information on obtaining a permit or to request an inspection, contact the Code Enforcement Division at (502) 921-2970
- When is an Erosion Protection and Sediment Control Permit required?
Stormwater regulations for construction and post construction became effective August 1, 2008. As of that date, any construction related land disturbance activity that disturbs more than one acre of ground and/or construction related land disturbance activity on lot(s) or parcel(s) of less than one acre that is associated with a common plan of development must obtain a permit.
- What is an "Illicit Discharge"?
Federal Regulations define an illicit discharge as "any discharge to a storm water sewer system that is not composed entirely of storm water". By County Ordinance (8-13), illicit discharge is illegal and punishable by fines up to $4,000.00. To report an illicit discharge call (502) 921-2970 Monday-Friday or (502) 817-2223 all other times.
- When is an Erosion Protection and Sediment Control Permit required?
- Permits
- When is an Inspection Permit required?
An inspection permit is required when you intend to construct, enlarge, remodel, or change the occupancy of a building or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system.
Note: Not all work requires an inspection permit. Work such as painting, wallpapering, cabinets and countertops, replacing shingles, window replacement with windows having the same size window opening are examples of work exempt from permit requirements. If you are unsure whether your project requires a inspection permit, it is best to call the Department of Code Enforcement at (502) 921-2970.
- Who will issue the Inspection Permit?
The inspection permit will be issued by the building inspection office. It is important that you understand the Department of Code Enforcement does not issue an actual "Building Permit" on projects falling under their jurisdiction. Once plans have been reviewed and determined to comply with applicable code, the Department will issue a letter stating the project is released for construction. This release for construction does not release the owner from complying with local planning/zoning requirements or the requirement to obtain a local building permit.
- What plans do I need to submit for your review?
Each construction project is different and the drawings and details necessary vary depending on the scope of work. On the plan submission application guide you will find a list of drawings, details and documents that may need to be submitted to Code Enforcement as part of your permit application. Not all the information indentified may be applicable to your project. If you have any questions, you are encouraged to call the Department of Code Enforcement at (502) 921-2970 to ensure you have the right information.
* All Construction plans and details are to be drawn to scale and fully dimensioned.
* If your construction project falls in a city jurisdiction, you are encouraged to contact the city for additional information they require to process a building permit.
- How many sets of plans do I need to submit?
When submitting to the Department of Building Code Enforcement, you only need to submit one set of construction documents. Specialized systems such as fire alarms, sprinklers, or range hood drawings may be submitted at a later date by the specific contractor or owner. If you are submitting for a plumbing permit visit the State Division of Plumbing website.
- Are there any Forms that I need to submit with my plans?
There are several forms that are important, but none so much as the plan application form. This form is to be submitted with each initial plan submission. the form is to be completed with all information pertinent to your project; however, not all items on the application form may be applicable. The building name and address and the name and address of a contact person are of utmost importance. Asking for the name and address of an architect and engineer is not to imply that an architect and engineer are required. It one or both are part of the construction design, we ask that their name and address be provided.
- Is there a fee I need to pay, and if so, who do I make the check payable to?
Plan review/inspection fees are indentified in fee schedule. The worksheet has been developed to assist with calculating the required fee for your project. Checks should be made payable to; Bullitt Fiscal Court
- Are contractors required to be licensed?
There are certain aspects of building construction that are required to be performed by a licensed contractor. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to insure all sub-contractors are properly licensed.
- Is an Architect or Engineer required to prepare my construction drawings?
KRS 322 and KRS 323 identify when the services of a design professional is required to prepare a set of construction drawings. Table 122.1 of the Kentucky Building Code is intended to explian when a design professional is required based on the occupany clasification of a building and the building occupant load and/or building area.
- Who do I send my plans to?
If your construction project falls in Bullitt County jurisdiction, your plans and plan application form will been to be submitted to Code Enforcement.
- Can I do anything to speed up my plan review?
The Department of Code Enforcement has a program called "Fast Track Program" or "Expedited Footing and Foundation Review" that will reduce the amount of time before a site and foundation review can occur. To apply for an "Expedited Footing and Foundation Review", the following steps are to be followed:
* Mark the "Expedited Foot and Foundation" box on the plan application form.
* The plan review fee and expedited fee shall be paid with your plan submission. See the fee schedule worksheet that has been developed to assist with calculatiing the required fee for your project.
* It is important to understand that the "Fast Track Program" or "Expedited Footing and Foundation Review" does not guarantee apermit will be issued or the full building plan review will be processed quicker. This program simply expedites the review of the Footing and Foundation system.
- Do I have to submit plans to the Fire Marshal's Office?
No, The Fire Marshal's Office is not responsible for the review or inspection of new structures, renovations, additions or change of occupancy construction projects.
- How long are building plans and inspection records kept?
See page M3 of the "Local Agency Records Retention Schedule". Residential Plans - One year. Commercial Plans - Two Years. Inspections Records - Three Years.
- Do I have to use the building code?
Yes, it's the law. The code is a legal document which means; all citizens and residents are advised that it is a legally binding document duly incorporated by reference and that failure to comply with such requirements may subject you to criminal or civil penalties under the law. Ignorance of the law shall not excuse noncompliance and it is the responsibility of the citizens to inform themselves as to the laws that are enacted in the state. The KBC, the Kentucky Building Code is mandated and incorporated in Ketucky Revised Statute 198B.
- Do public utilities have to obtain inspection permits?
A permit is not required for the installation, alteration or repair of generation, transmission, distribution, metering or other related equipment that is, by established right, under the ownership and control of a public utility as the term "public utility" is defined in the Kentucky Revised Statutes.
- Is there a license required to be a builder in Bullitt County?
Builder and/or Developers are not required to be licensed. Almost all sub-contractors are required to be licensed. It is the builder's responsibility to ensure all contractors are licensed and necessary permits are obtained.
- Who is responsible for obtaining a permit?
The owner of the property is ultimately responsible for securing a building permit. However, this may be delgated to the architect, contractor or other agent.
- How long is a permit valid?
All permits expire by limitation if work has not begun within six months from the the date of permit issuance, or when the work has been discontinued for six months. However, if the owner requests a renewal prior to the expiration of the permit, the permit can be extended for an additional six month period. A permit may be renewed for only two extension periods.
- How do I get my certificate of occupancy?
You must schedule a final inspection through the department in person or at (502) 921-2970. Once the project has been completed and ALL inspections have been passed, you will receive a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Completion by mail or on the job site.
The department may grant a temporary certificate of occupancy before the completion of the entire work covered by the permit, provided that such portion or portions shall be occupied safely. The building official will set a time period during which the temporary certificate of occupancy is valid.
- How can I schedule an inspection and what inspections are required?
Please call our direct line (502) 921-2970 to schedule all inspections. To schedule an inspection YOU MUST HAVE THE PERMIT NUMBER. Also a 24 to 48 hour notice is required for all inspections. We do not schedule same day inspections! PLease check with the department staff and they will go over the required inspections.
- How do I know what codes apply to my project?
For more information pertaining to the latest codes and standards, see "Kentucky Adopted Codes" located in the supplementary Forms and Information section on this site.
- Can I upgrade the electrical service in my home?
Yes, State law does allow the homeowner to perform electrical work provided; the homeowner owns and resides in the home. The homeowner must do ALL the electrical personally. In order to obtain the permit as a homeowner you must bring a copy of your deed and a driver's license. You will also be asked to sign an affidavit agreeing to the above.
- Can the vent of residential clothes dryer terminate in a vented crawl or attic space?
No. The Mechanical Code specifically states that the exhaust duct shall terminate outside the building. The attic and crawl space is not considered outside the building.
- Can a bathroom exhaust terminate in a ventilated crawl space, attic space or an eave soffit vent?
No. Ventilated bathrooms are to be exhausted directly to the outdoors. In order for a vent to be considered as discharging to the outdoors, the vent duct must penetrate the outermost exterior membrane of the building.
- If I install a powered safety cover over my outdoor in ground pool, can I completely eliminate the requirements for a pool barrier?
No. A powered pool cover is not permitted as part of the barrier surrounding an outdoor swimming pool in any situation. Nowehere in the code does it allow pool covers to replace the physical barrier, walls, fencing or combination of vertical and horizontal members spaced per code.
- Does the code allow the cavity wall and duct insulation to be removed or the R-value reduced to allow for duct installation in a confined exterior wall cavity space?
No. There are no exceptions offered by the code that would allow for the removal of insulation or reduction in R-value within the wall cavity to allow for the duct system to be run. There is also no alternative to eliminating or reducing the duct insulation as described..
- Who will issue the Inspection Permit?
- Duct Pressure Testing
- Who is responsible for conducting the duct tightness test?
The duct tightness test may be performed by the HVAC contractor or builder and witnessed by the code official. An independent third party verification may be submitted in lieu of the presence of the code official provided the independent inspector is certified as an energy auditor by one of the two standards recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy: Building Performance Institute (BPI) or Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET).
- If part of the duct is in the conditional space and part of it is outside the conditioned space, is it possible to only test the portion outside?
No. If any portion of the duct is outside of the conditioned space, the whole system must be tested.
- Will duct tightness testing require an addition inspection?
No. The test can be performed at the rough-in or final inspection.
- Which method of duct tightness testing will be accepted?
There are three methods of testing: Duct Blaster Method, Blower Door Subtraction Method, and Delta-Q method. Any of the three will be acceptable.
- WAre there any alternatives to the duct tightness test?
Yes. Where all portions of the HVAC system are in the conditioned space, the test is not required. Additionally, systems sleaed with mastic or mastic tape may be visually inspected by the code official in lieu of the test.
- If I add duct work to an existing duct system, do I have to seal the entire system and pressure test?
No. The new portion would be required to be sealed as per the code, however, sealing of the existing duct and pressure testing would not be required.
- If part of the duct is in the conditional space and part of it is outside the conditioned space, is it possible to only test the portion outside?